Official Forum of Princedom of Aysellant

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Embassy of Principality of Valldemosa

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Территория дипломатического представительства Княжества Валльдемоза.
Don Francesco Damiano Pugliese, Principe di Valldemosa
The Principality of Valldemosa is a sovereign and independent state recognized as a microstate by nations and community of nations such as the UMMOA - United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago - and the International States Parliament for Safety and Peace, an intergovernmental organization of states, legally recognized under international law, with parliamentary and diplomatic delegations in many states.
The organization of the State is based on the Constitution of 2010, which indicates that the Principality of Valldemosa is a hereditary and constitutional monarchy. The succession of the Prince Regent is by direct and legitimate descendence, with precedence for male sons.
Sometimes the Prince, in performing his functions, shall convene the Supreme Council of the Crown, consisting of 3 members (1 member appointed by the President and the Prince, and the remainder by the National Council), and the Supreme State Council (5 members).
The two Supreme Councils have an advisory capacity.
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I have the honor to bring to your knowledge, that on January 27 marks the I-st anniversary of the claim of sovereignty of the Princedom of Ausland. This is a great holiday for our House and the people, the first significant milestone in building the state. I hope in the future our States will be able to build a productive relationship for the benefit of our peoples.
His Serene Highness Prince Andrew of Ausland.


S.A. Prince Andrew of Ausland

in occasione del I° anniversario della dichiarazione di Sovranità del
Principato di Ausland, a nome Nostro personale e di tutti coloro che sostengono
il Principato di Valldemosa, Vi formuliamo vivissimi e sinceri Auguri di
prosperità e di benessere.
Nel ribadire la Nostra ferma volontà di intraprendere con Voi un percorso
comune verso il progresso delle Nostre Case Sovrane,
Vi inviamo fraterni saluti.
S.A.S. Principe Don Francesco Damiano Pugliese di Valldemosa

Копия Послания Его Светлейшего Высочества Дона Франческо Дамиано Пульезе,князя Валльдемоза

Отредактировано Lady-N (01-02-2012 22:43)


Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the honor to report that came out the first test of the new media room. Invited to read and comment. Please refer to the topic of information management.


Ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of His Serene Highness in response to Resolution of the Parliament of Kornburgia was prepared a Note of protest to the GOVERNMENT OF THE KORNBURGIAN REPUBLIC.


Ladies and gentlemen! The next release of the messenger, "Ausland Today" in the Russian language version is available on our official forum. English version will be posted on request.