Official Forum of Princedom of Aysellant

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Antarctic Micronational Union

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Lady-N написал(а):

Думаю, Его Высочество, просмотрев источники, примет соответствующее решение относительно ответа для АМС.

Решение принято и направлено Генеральному Администратору АМС.


Получено по дипломатической почте
Grand Duchy of Flandrensis - Flandrensisian Commonwealth
Flandrensisian Embassy in the Kingdom of Belgium

Dear members of the AMU,
The Iranian micronation Shalamzaar Empire is since a few month member of our organisation and they claim New Swabia. They want to expand and claim the rest of the territory that is macronational claimed by Norway. Regarding the AMU-Charter they need a mayority of the AMU-members.

For Flandrensis: negative
A very small piece is part of the Princedom of Aysellant (normally Shalamzaar will respect that claim); but expansion is unnecessary.

Кроме Фландренсиса еще несколько членов АМС высказались против. Наш ответ соответственный.


Lady-N написал(а):

Наш ответ соответственный.

И правильно.


Prince-Infant написал(а):

Lady-N написал(а):

    Наш ответ соответственный.

И правильно.

Ибо не ... :)


Получена следующая информация от Генерального Администратора АМС:
Dear members of the Antarctic Micronational Union

Since the foundation of the Antarctic Micronational Union in 2009 I have been involved in the management and administration for almost 5 years. The biggest problem of the AMU was the lack of activity and to be honest the lack of interest of many members.
In 2013 I proposed a mayor reorganization of the AMU with the result that the union was reduced into an administrative body with the Administrative-General as responsible for the administration (and communication) about Antarctic micronational claims.
For personal and familial reasons I reconsider several micronational duties (in and outside Flandrensis). After long study my conclusion is hard but simple: I’m one of the driving forces that kept the AMU alive and more, I realize that without my involvement the AMU would not exist anymore since 2010…
There are a few members who answers on e-mails relating to the AMU. When I noticed a territorial dispute there is no interest or reaction by the involved parties and 90% of all new applications are unprofessional micronations who consider a piece of Antarctica as a colony of their empire, new members disappear after a few months, etc. Actually, I waste my time and I’m shocked to realize that.
Therefore I planned to disband the Antarctic Micronational Union at the end of this week.
But after private conversations with Yaroslav Mar, Alexander Virgill, Count Waesche and Travis McHenry there is an alternative solution.
H.E. Yaroslav Mar of the Federal Republic of Lostisland is willing to take over the whole management of the AMU as Administrative-General.
However most members agreed with my statements  they believe that the end of the existence of the AMU could be a catastrophe, mainly because Antarctic claims would no longer be regulated, what will undoubtedly lead to future scandals. Or, even worse, someone else would take the initiative and found a fake AMU.
Therefore I nominate H.E. Yaroslav Mar as my successor as Administrative-General of the AMU. please send me your vote before 19 September 2014.

Информация, скажем прямо, малорадостная в своей основе. Уже тем, что она верно отражает суть вещей в жизни МН. Причем, наиболее развитых и благополучных по критериям микронационального мира. Ответ наш направлен адресату. Ожидаем результатов.


сожалею, желаю позитивных изменений


Да, хотелось бы позитивного решения по настоящему вопросу.


Добрый вечер, с 19 сентября я вступаю в должность нового руководителя АМЮ. Надеюсь на продолжение взаимовыгодного сотрудничества между нашими государствами, и по линии вверяемой мне организации.


Yaroslav написал(а):

Добрый вечер, с 19 сентября я вступаю в должность нового руководителя АМЮ. Надеюсь на продолжение взаимовыгодного сотрудничества между нашими государствами, и по линии вверяемой мне организации.

Мы рады поздравить нового руководителя АМС. Выражаем надежду, что сотрудничество будет только укрепляться.


Получена информация о планах нового руководства АМС.

Change of Leadership and Future Plans
Esteemed Delegates,
On September 19, I'm legally succeeding HRH Niels, the Grand Duke of Flandrensis, as the Administrative-General of the Antarctic Micronational Union. On this occasion, I would like to deliver a brief address regarding my appointment and the future of the organization; however, before I start, I wish to express my utmost gratitude to the Grand Duke of Flandrensis for having guided this organization throughout these years - without his wise administration, the AMU would not be existing at this moment; and to all of you for having supported my candidacy. It is verily a honor for me to lead such a prestigious micronational organization.
There is no doubt that at this moment, the AMU suffers from a problem encountered by many micronational organizations: inactivity.
Not denying that this is certainly a serious issue, at the same time I have to say that, in my opinion, the AMU is not kind of organization that requires constant activity and a full-working bureaucracy (like the GUM). Rather, I see it being closer to the UAMW (Union Against Micronational War), for our main (and only) aim is to regulate micronational claims within Antarctica, not to fight for meaningless and vague objectives such as "finding a solution for any micronational conflict", etc. - this is what YAMOs try to do, and of course always fail. But the AMU is not a YAMO, and for an organization like ours it is totally normal to not have every day communication.
At the same time, we, as an organization that promotes Antarctic micronationalism, have every right to expect from member states interest in their claims on the Antarctic continent. A person who set up a MicroWiki article a minute ago and claimed half of Antarctica is not kind of a member we need - being the most renowned existing micronational organization, we can definitely expect a certain level of professionalism from those who wish to join us. And definitely, to maintain a claim in Antarctica, a micronation shall remain active.
For this purpose, soon I will set a monthly period for member states to confirm their existence and activity; failing that, their membership shall be suspended.
Don't worry, I will make the announcement and timeframes as public as possible, to ensure that everyone can read my message.
Another problem the AMU is facing now is lack of systematization. In particular, there still is no up-to-date map of the micronational claims of Antarctica - those that are, are all outdated. Definitely, this is one of the most important issues to resolve for now, as without a proper map it is difficult to ensure lack of a territorial dispute, and to register new claims. I will send another email regarding the map issue particularly in a few days.
In addition to that, I'm planning to make the AMU more public through the Internet and social networks: in particular, I already started developing a new website and hope that soon it could start serving as a good tool for those willing to learn more about our organization or apply for membership. I would also like to make some changes on our Facebook page, to make it more popular.
If you have any questions, problems or ideas on how to improve the AMU, please message me at any time through Email or Facebook.
Once again, thank you for the support, I'm looking forward our fruitful collaboration.
Yaroslav Mar
Administrative-General of the Antarctic Micronational Union
President of the Federal Republic of Lostisland
Flandrensisian Ambassador to the Eastern Europe, et al

От имени Его Высочества выражаем официальную поддержку целей и задач АМС.


Получен предварительный проект карты Антарктики с отображением территорий стран-членов АМС для коррекции.
С нашей стороны возражений и корректирования нет.


Prince of Aysellant написал(а):

Получен предварительный проект карты Антарктики с отображением территорий стран-членов АМС для коррекции.

Интересная такая карта.


Королевство Данландия было принято в состав Антарктического Союза Микронаций. Она претендует на о.Беркнера и стала третьей русскоязычной МН в составе АМС.

Отредактировано Lady-N (08-01-2015 22:02)


Со вчерашнего дня Королевство Рутения принято в состав АМС. Итак,на сегодня АМС насчитывает следующие МН:
• Великое герцогство Фландренсис (Grand Duchy of Flandrensis)
• Великое герцогство Вестарктика (Grand Duchy of Westarctica)
• Княжество Аркель (Principality of Arkel)
• Великое княжество Кампиния (Grand Duchy of Campinia)
• Федеративная республика Лостайленд (Federal Republic of Lostisland)
• Королевство Ледяных людей (Kingdom of the Ice People)
• Княжество Айселлант (Principality of Aysellant)
• Империя Шаламзаар (Schalamzaar Empire)
• Священная Римская империя земель Павловских (Holy Roman Empire of the Pavlovian Lands)
• Федеративная республика Сент-Чарли (Federal Republic of St.Charlie)
• Республика Новая Вестфалия (Republic of New Westphalia)
• Союз Социалистических Республик Южного Лондона (Union of South London Soviet Socialist Republics)
• Королевство Данландия (Kingdom of Danland)
• Республика Лурк (Noble Republic of Lurk)
• Королевство Рутения (Kingdom of Ruthenia)


Это очень хорошее событие в микронациональной жизни государства.  :cool:


Lady-N написал(а):

Итак,на сегодня АМС насчитывает следующие МН

А разве Империя Шаламзаар (Schalamzaar Empire) существует сейчас? Сайты ее не работают, и вообще я слышал, что это государство прекратило свое существование. Если Вашему Высочеству известны подробности, буду благодарен. А то я исключил эту страну из своего списка микронаций...


Ignizavr написал(а):

А разве Империя Шаламзаар (Schalamzaar Empire) существует сейчас? Сайты ее не работают, и вообще я слышал, что это государство прекратило свое существование.

Я тоже давно о них не слышал, но официальный сайт АМС подтверждает их членство. Хотя их собственный сайт выдает какие-то непонятные ссылки.   :dontknow:


Это отличная новость! Приятно слышать об активной деятельности АМС и новых членах данной организации.


Насколько нам известно,её активность и не прекращалась))


Официальное письмо из Фландренсиса членам АМС:
Dear members of the Antarctic Micronational Union,
Your Excellency’s,

      The Cabinet has decided not to wait for the deadline of the activity census to announce our future position in the Antarctic community. I request all members to read all previous e-mails related to the ecologic subject to understand our decision. 
    The AMU has become an exclusive colonial Antarctic group with almost no interest in the ecological problems of today. In the current atmosphere of conservatism, disinterest and inactivity by several members I don’t see any role or place anymore for the AMU in the current micronational community, neither Flandrensis and the AMU share the same values anymore, nor do we have confidence in a further corporation. Flandrensis is a story of continuous development and we will chose our own partners in the micronational community to implement our environmental mission.
     On Friday, 4 November 2016 the Grand Duchy withdraw its membership from the Antarctic Micronational Union. Until today we were the only remaining co-founder of the union and my thanks go to several members for the corporation during the past 8 years.

Grand Duke Niels of Flandrensis


Prince of Aysellant написал(а):

On Friday, 4 November 2016 the Grand Duchy withdraw its membership from the Antarctic Micronational Union. Until today we were the only remaining co-founder of the union and my thanks go to several members for the corporation during the past 8 years.



Опубликованы результаты ежегодной переписи членов.


Baron d'Aurgie написал(а):

Опубликованы результаты ежегодной переписи членов.

Понемногу русифицируется АМС. С одной стороны это неплохо, а с другой жаль,что уходят уважаемые микронации.

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