Official Forum of Princedom of Aysellant

Officiąnt Fŏrum Køngištutu Ąysellantæ

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Вы здесь » Officiąnt Fŏrum Køngištutu Ąysellantæ » Дипломатические представительства » Embassy of Repubic of Promolands / Посольство Республики Промоландс

Embassy of Repubic of Promolands / Посольство Республики Промоландс

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Территория дипломатического представительства Республики Промоландс

Краткая информация / Brief Information

Официальное название: Промоландс
Official name: Promolands
Форма правления: Республика
Form of government: Republic
Официальные языки: итальянский, английский
Official languages: italian, english
Денежная единица: Е-кэш
Currency: E-cash
Столица: Ситипром

Official WEB-site


I have the honor to bring to your knowledge, that on January 27 marks the I-st anniversary of the claim of sovereignty of the Princedom of Ausland. This is a great holiday for our House and the people, the first significant milestone in building the state. I hope in the future our States will be able to build a productive relationship for the benefit of our peoples.
His Serene Highness Prince Andrew of Ausland.


Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the honor to report that came out the first test of the new media room. Invited to read and comment. Please refer to the topic of information management.


Ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of His Serene Highness in response to Resolution of the Parliament of Kornburgia was prepared a Note of protest to the GOVERNMENT OF THE KORNBURGIAN REPUBLIC.


Ladies and gentlemen! The next release of the messenger, "Ausland Today" in the Russian language version is available on our official forum. English version will be posted on request.

Вы здесь » Officiąnt Fŏrum Køngištutu Ąysellantæ » Дипломатические представительства » Embassy of Repubic of Promolands / Посольство Республики Промоландс